The Study of the Element of Time in Children’s Stories of Abdolmajid Zaraget (1946) (Eid Alnasr (1990), Awdat al-Asafir (1992), Qaryat al-Ataya (1992) and al-Martabat al-Ula (1994) as a sample

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A of Arabic Literature & Language, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


This article examines the element of time due to its importance in story among other elements in Abdolmagid Zaraget’s stories Because time is an important element of the story and connects the events to each other. This research examines the children’s stories Such as Eid al-Nasr (1990), Awdat al-Asafir (1992), Qaryat al-Ataya (1992) and Almartabat al-Ula (1994) as a sample. These stories are the first and the most important works for children by this author because they are the marvelous which affect children’s characteristics in these stories. And one of the results achieved in this article is that time plays an important role in these stories, and we find the author’s power in playing with time and forming it such as order, and frequency. Due to these techniques the author sometimes leads the time toward and backward and since the author can’t visualize all the incidents for children at the same time, He uses triple techniques to which the story from the present to past or to future. Sometimes He visualizes the story in children’s mind or sometimes omits noncritical incidents.


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