In all the alive languages, proverbs and epithets, have a lofty place and are used frequently by the users of that language. The number of the phrases, couplets and hemistiches of the poetry of a poet which are used as proverb depends upon his popularity and adoptability among his people.
Abulatahiyeh the Iraqi 2nd century (A.H) poet is among the poets whose poems have been used as proverb and epithet in Arabic language.
Abulatahiyeh after the death of Mahdi, the abbasid caliph, and succession of Hadi, quitted all the genres of poetry and employed all his gift to compose mystical poems and advised people to piety and chasitity and oriented the thoughts of his addresses to death and the hereafter. But later the caliph punished him and enforced him to return to the old path and to compose various poems and later on, he become one of the close caliph’s companions. He claimed: “I can compose poem instead of talking”. He believed
there are in the words and talks of people many rhymes and rhythms that they themselves do not know it.