Elegy between Emotion and Imagination (Abu Tammam is Grieving for Mohammad Ibn Homaid al-Tusi)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in University of Allameh _Tabatabaei


The aim of this essay is to find the characteristics of the elegy in Abu
Tammam's ode in which he is wailing for mohammad Ibn Homaid al-
Tusi (one of al-Motasam billah's army commander) and this essay
subjcet is to study and to criticize its emotion and imagination. The
conclusion is that Abu Tammam, almost, in his poem applied a
philosophical approach to deal with death, thus in the first stamza, he
mentioned humans weakness against life tragedy and his obedience
against fate and fortune. This poem at whole has a dignified, elevated,
worthy faithfulness, and purified theme. Emotion in this poem is
human and truthful and its imagination is fertile because the poet was
successful in creating beautiful images to mention the outstanding
personalities of that late leader such as his devotion and self-sacrifice.
In addition, applying some elements like personification and metaphorical
images effect on the poet's success.


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