An Analysis of Theatrical Art in Arab Literature, Ancient and Modern

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Moallem University, Eastern Azerbaijan


There are two theories for the presence and absence of theatre and drama in classical Arabic literature. The former theory which believes in the presence of theatre in classical Arabic literature assumes that the Arabs knew various types of recreation and entertainment in the past eras. Its proponents provide various reasons for proving their claims, such as the existence of a market, the existence of the condolence ceremonies, and the existence of some folklore skills like puppetry, etc
Conversely, the latter theory whose proponents deny the presence of drama with its known elements in classical literature expresses reasons, such as nomadic life with Arab journies, the non-cooperation of women in the plays, and in the correct translation of Greek works on the subject of drama, etc. …, for proving their claims. These critics believe that drama is the result of the new Movement. The plays that have been written in the modern era follow a two-way trend – the national and the patriotrical. These play wrights have treated subjects such as history, society, the Palestian Issue, and the Arab liberation Revolutions in the light of these trends.


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