Female Symbolism in the Poems of Samih al-Qasim (1958-1968) (The collections of The figures of the sun (1958), The songs of the path (1964), Eram (1965), My blood on my hand (1967), and The smokes of the volcanoes (1968) as some examples)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran

2 Ph.D. Student of Arabic Department, Alzahra University, Tehran


The present study seeks to explore female symbolism in the poems of Samih Al-Qasim (1958-1968) based on his five poetry collections. These collections include Figures of The Sun (1958), Songs of The Path (1964), My Blood on My Hand (1967), and Smokes of The Volcanoes (1968) which are among the first poems of Samih Al-Qasim. In the poems of the above period which are based on codes, the relationship between women, the earth, and the ability of the poet in linking these two elements are evident. This study addresses the most prominent examples of women in Samih Al-Qasim poetry during this period and discusses the roles of lover, mother, and seeker of martyrdom. It also emphasizes the role of the lover as the symbol of country, and the role of mother as the symbol of the pillar of family. Also this study explores the poems of 1958-1968, since this period involves the manifestation of the presence of women and the beginning of the resistant role in the next periods. The importance of this study is evident in the formation of the female resistant role and also in her transformation from codes to myths. This is considerably obvious in the poems of Samih Al-Qasim as one of the most salient examples of the poetry of resistance.


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