Call Symbols and Meaning in Contemporary Palestinian Poetry -Hair- Lutfi Zaghlul Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Chamran University, Ahvaz

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah


The hiring symbol in the modern poem is said as a common feature among the majority of poets on the varying levels of code where the simple to the profound. Thus although the code or coding in literature in general characteristic stylistic and one of the elements of the literary text the substantive since ancient times, but we see it has the diversity and depth controlled the language of the modern poem and their structures and forms and their structures different. On this track recorded Technology icon significant presence and active in poetry poets Palestine General and hair (Lutfi Zaghlul) private; because of its ability to guide ideas and deepen the artistic vision and enrich the text and enriched conceived dimension expressive of the dimensions of his experience in the struggle against the Zionist occupier. reading of quiet and informed consent in the experience, "Lutfi Zaghlul" poetic and represented yet ten collections of poetry reveal quite clearly the depth and credibility of this experience, as guide us to the suffering of the rustic poet, from its early beginnings, the concerns of his people and his nation's issues to some extent and issues. This search through the analytical approach Altosfa going to answer questions and interact with the put forth:
First: “what is the symbol” and its effectiveness in the poetic text Palestinian?
Second: What are the symbols in the recalled poetic text "Zagluli" and the extent of their impact in the generation of semantic suggestive that serve the Palestinian cause?


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