Analysis of Literary Image in Nahj sermons; case study "Alashbah" Sermon

Document Type : Research Paper



Literary imagery is one of the fundamental elements of a literary work because expression of any literary subject or transfers of the writer’s viewpoints and feelings are usually accompanied by imagery. Semantic implication and rhetorical features of words as well as fantasy, rhythm, and atmosphere creation are of the most important elements of literary imagery.
This paper adopts a descriptive-analytical procedure to investigate the art of imagery in the Al-Ashbah sermon. In this sermon, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) discusses complicated abstract concepts such as theology and the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and describes angels and pictures them beautifully using a literary language.
Besides the elements of imagination and the text’s inner music, other elements such as metaphors, similes, and ironies are also effective in the better transfer of the intended meaning, literary imagery, and the beauty of the form and meaning of the sermon. The beautiful literary imagery, inspiring atmosphere, and pleasant rhythm of this sermon are indicative of the correct, scholarly choice and arrangement of these elements.
The abstract Expression, does not occur in the self-image caused by the impact in this sermon because they have had in the recipient longing to understand the sermon and led him to the realization of thought and effort to know.


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