The Atrocity of Roving and the Zeal for Country in the Collected Poetry of Immigrant Poets

Document Type : Research Paper



The tendency to leave the country and immigration was flowing in the souls from the old times, a tendency that is the narrator of the delicate and elegant adventures of the immigrants who wanted to satisfy their infinite thirst for crawling in the valley of the unknowns. Immigration is something natural for mankind especially from the time that human made his mind to emigrate from his living place for acquiring food and material and to go somewhere else. As an example Lebanese people are among the ethnicities that are used to immigration and leaving the country from the old times and the love for travelling, seafaring, and trade was highly popular among them. On one hand, the history of immigration in Lebanon and on the other hand, creating some social and political situations in Arabian countries especially at the beginning of twentieth century caused the migration of some great Lebanese literates to the West. This current caused the formation of a branch of Arabic literature known as “Immigrant Literature” that both in the content and also artistic features is different from the other poems of Arab poets. The present article with descriptive-analytic approach has studied the theme of the zeal for the country and living abroad in the collected poems of immigrant poets. It has reached to the conclusion that the most important factors of immigration from these poets’ viewpoints are political, economic, and religious issues.


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