The Motif of Life and Death in the Poetry of Adib Kamal Al-Din

Document Type : Research Paper



In the past, Arab critics and rhetoricians studied repetition in Arabic language. Repetition is one of the main roots of a motif. In literature, it signifies the main idea or something that is repeated. This phenomenon is found in the poetry of Adib Kamal Al-Din. He is a contemporary Iraqi poet who currently lives in Australia as an emigrant, and still expresses his feelings and emotions through poetic forms. Some letters were recognized in the name of the poet, because he has great ideas in letters. The researcher intends to investigate the motif of life and death in the poetry of Adib Kamal Al-Din from two perspectives: repeating a word or repeating the concept of a word. The poet sees oppression as death and death as oppression. He also sees freedom as life and life as freedom, and chooses these concepts accurately. By studying the poetry of Adib Kamal Al-Din, it will be found that the poet widens his vision more, includes intertextuality (especially Quranic intertextuality) in his poetry, and evokes civilization (especially religious figures). All these are to reinforce the motif based on which he has composed his poem. The researcher intends to conduct this descriptive-analytical study to show why the poet was oriented towards different motifs. Finally, it will be concluded that the poet considers motif as a safe haven for himself.


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