Stylistics research on correctness of relation of the poem related to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) based on Yuol equation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, khomein Faculty

2 Assistant Professor, Arak University


One of the noteworthy issues for researchers is attributing the text to its author. One amongst literary texts which its relation correctness is still under discussion, is poem related to Imam Ali (peace be upon him).
Therefore this article studies the relation correctness of this poem based on actuarial statistics and using actuarial equation of Yuol, British famous scientist.
Yuol equation is one of the new actuarial stylistics methods to determining the method of authors and correctly relation of text to them. This equation emphasizes on the number of special repetition of names in the texts which their relation is dubious and fishy.
At first step, article pay attention to definition and explanation of theory then this theory has been matched to seven thousands words of Nahj-Al-Balaghah and poems of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), as paradigms of research.
Present article has reached following results:
1-      Decisive and categorical relation of all the poems to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) is not correct because there is no complete accordance in special repetition between method of Nahj-Al-Balaghah and Imam's related poems. 
2-      There is a probability that most of the {ابیاتrimes} are not by Imam (peace be upon him) because method of two texts are not close.
3-      Can not be said that poems are not by Imam (peace be upon him) because there is no much difference between the methods of both texts.
4-      Fore results show that claim of gatherer of Imam's poems, stating that all poems are by Imam (peace be upon him), is off cast.
5-      Resulting numbers from execution of Yuol equation emphasizes on the view of Muslim scientists, stating that most of the poems are not related to Imam Ali (peace be upon him).


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