“Repetition” in the Textual Linguistics of Halliday and Hasan and its role in the text cohesion: A Comparative Analysis of the Qase’e Sermon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PH.D.(Assistant professor, Shiraz University)

2 M.A from Shiraz University


Repetition can refer to the recurrence of a verbal component, the concurrence of synonyms or semi-synonyms, repeated proper nouns, or any dominant term. Repetition is common in unpremeditated speech as it allows for thinking. This literary technique has been employed from classical times for certain advantages that it has; these include the cohesion that comes about as a result of repetition among the different sections of a writing, and the highlighting of the focal point of a piece by repeating certain keywords. The present study, drawing on Halliday and Hasan, investigates the role of repetition in textual cohesion and shows how it can be seen at work in “Sermon 192” from the Nahjul-Balagha
Allah, a close reading of the Sermon reveals, occurs 40 times more than any other term does. There are different types of repetition at work in the text that cause textual cohesion: eight groups of proper nouns and eight groups of dominant terms. Repetition is perfectly manifested in the mentioned Sermon; the linking of old and new information by means of repetition makes the text readily accessible to the reader. In the category of proper nouns, those referring to man, time, and Truth are respectively first, second, and third in frequency. Man, fortuitous moments, time, and destination are what Imam Ali has pondered and discussed with his disciples.


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