Liberty and patriotism phenomena in Jamil Sedqi Azzahavi and Abolqasem Lahuti (Comparative Study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Mazandaran University

2 p.h.d student, Department of Arabic Language and literature, booali hamedan University


This study sought to examine the verses have been written in the constitutional period in Iran and Iraq And is trying to express a role that have played in the expression of important issues the poets of the era including Z·havy and Lahooti an term. The element of freedom and patriotism, including the constitutional issues that are common in Arabic and Persian poetry And the reason it has attracted the attention of all Reasons such as: the tyranny of the rulers of the people, customs and traditions common to the wrong people, People suffering from oppression And the incidence of poverty and ignorance on them. This research analyzes the themes of freedom and patriotism in lyrics Zahavi and Lahuti.
This paper presents a comparative rinses according to the American school is trying to show Similarities and differences in the lyrics the poets So far, the results indicate that The poet angry the lack of freedom that created a corrupt political elite On the other hand, The two poets are like homeland And consider it as a house that sense of relief  in the home.


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