Natural Symbols and Their Implications in Yahya al-Samawi’s Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professors, Department of Arabic, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


Yahya al-Samawi is one of the prominent Arab poets whose poems outstandingly affected by “Symbols”. He has applied symbols very consciously and in a particular purpose to express his thoughts and ideas. He has used different symbols in his poems, mainly: palm, river, rain, night, wind, desert, sun, and moon. The spirit and value of these symbols are driven from their interaction with human beings. The poet has borrowed them from humans’ reality in order to emphasize the consistency of life, hope and land. The most prominent implication of these natural symbols is applied in the expression of the ideas and homeland attitudes of this poet. The present article aims at inspecting these natural symbols and their implications in Yahya al-Samawi’s poems on the basis of descriptive-analytic method. We’ve tried to examine the viewpoint and the ideas of the poet as well. Symbol in al-Samawi's poetry is an alternative for the real things in his thought and opinions and is also an attempt towards passing unpleasant situation which does not provide the direct interpretation of his attitudes and viewpoint.


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