Mohammad al-Fitory, from Loneliness and Hopelessness to Consciousness and Calling for Freedom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor and Arabic Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Ph.D Student of Arabic Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


With commitment and loyalty to society and country, the Resistance literature poets call up for freedom and independence. The Sudanese poet al-Fitory, is one of the greatest challenging poets. In this paper a descriptive analytical method has been employed for examine the changes and highlight the challenges between the senses of low self-esteem and never give up rebellion in al-Fitory's poems. The results show that the poet first had deep tendency to be pessimistic Romanticism; then his poetic vision changed essentially and became one of the leading pioneers of Realistic school and converted to Poet of uprising and rebellion in Sudan. Al-Fitory's poem just doesn't belong to African problem but is a Global matter. When He whispers in the Africa's ear, He is uttering mental whispers in the depth of his existence; and in Sufi and indomitable way; Africa is a symbol of relief from painful sufferings.


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