A Glance at Social Realism in Poetry of Elia Abu Madi's Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature, Tehran University, Farabi Campus, Iran

2 M.A. Student of Arabic Literature, Tehran University, Farabi Campus, Iran


Elia Abu Madi is one of the most famous contemporary Arab Poets who lived in wander. Abu Madi in his poems conversed about what his compatriots felt pain about; like difficulties and problems which had been imposed on his people and also discussed about the social issues happened in his age. His poems show ambitiousness and also wishes and problems. Indeed he used his poems to speak about the Arab's difficulties by expressing humanity's place in the society and surely he showed the beauty of Lebanon's nature. His poems are full of emotional experiences composed with social difficulties that are adapted from poet's own personal issues in his life. In fact he reflected the Arab's difficulties and the idea of changing common situation of the society was in his mind. He mentioned the basic issues and human issues altogether. One of the most important results of this research is that Abu Madi made great strides toward developing the human society overfilled with brotherhood, affection and social justice, in the way of which he remedies the defects and criticizes the rules. It is needed to mention that this paper is based on the descriptive study.


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