Every poet’s Poetic lexicons are the ideas in his mind and every one of these lexicons has its own implications. Therefore, every poet has a series of lexicons that separate his poems from the others and based on this, he is deemed. Based on these lexicons and ideas, one can identify the poet’s identity and determine his relationship with his environment. This is because of the lexicons and their distributions in his poem and the topic he is dealing with. One of the present Iraqi poets is Yahya al-Samawi who is dealing with the problems and issues that affect his country. His poetry reflects the problems that affected his people when Sadam was ruling the country and also after the U.S. invasion to Iraq. This research tries to investigate the most important semantic field of poetic lexicons in his Nuqoosh ala Jith’i Nakhla from Yahya al-Samawi, which shows his attention to the poetic discourse that he interprets. The semantic fields are as follows: land and home, tortures and problems, fighting and resistance. The ideas and poetic lexicons in Yahya al-Samawi focus on these three basic concepts. He mirrors the pains and problems that his people suffer from and in the light of this deep relationship between the poet and country, his poetic discourse has shaped.
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Marouf, Y., & Bagheri, B. (2015). Poetic Lexicon in the Poems of Yahya al-Samawi Collection of "Nuqoosh ala Jeth’i Nakhla" Model. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(2), 329-365. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56225
Yahya Marouf; Behnam Bagheri. "Poetic Lexicon in the Poems of Yahya al-Samawi Collection of "Nuqoosh ala Jeth’i Nakhla" Model", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11, 2, 2015, 329-365. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56225
Marouf, Y., Bagheri, B. (2015). 'Poetic Lexicon in the Poems of Yahya al-Samawi Collection of "Nuqoosh ala Jeth’i Nakhla" Model', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(2), pp. 329-365. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56225
Marouf, Y., Bagheri, B. Poetic Lexicon in the Poems of Yahya al-Samawi Collection of "Nuqoosh ala Jeth’i Nakhla" Model. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2015; 11(2): 329-365. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56225