Nostalgia is one of the most important issues searching for challenges of contemporary society and tells tales about the human’s sorrow and pain; Arabic contemporary poetry was not far from this phenomenon. Poets have many times spoken of the problems facing their communities, some stayed in their community and also were willing others to stay and dealt with the many problems and lived barely; some of them to escape from pressures of homeland, immigrated and preferred being far from their relatives and citizens, with the aim of doing their outside activities dynamically and happily so that can revive desirable life in their homeland; they then expressed their sorrow and pain through the bitter truth facing their own society utilizing historical, religious and humanity symbols creating a sense of hope for the future. This papers aims to survey the subject of nostalgia in the poetries of contemporary Palestine poet, Ezzedin Al-Manasra, on the basis of descriptive – analytic approach; he is one of the most prominent exile switch poets who perforce lived away from home for many years and moved from one place to another with great sorrow and grief; there are different kinds of nostalgia such as locality, existential, social nostalgia in his poems collections; the issue which make him unique and vocabularies representative alienation such as “Jfra”, “Canaan” and “Hebron (Al-Khalil)” is seen abundantly in his poetry in order to express his enthusiasm to Palestine territories.
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farhangnia, A., Roshanfekr, K., & Parvini, K. (2015). Nostalgia in Ezzedin Al-Manasra's Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(3), 387-408. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56973
amir farhangnia; Kobra Roshanfekr; Khalil Parvini. "Nostalgia in Ezzedin Al-Manasra's Poetry", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11, 3, 2015, 387-408. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56973
farhangnia, A., Roshanfekr, K., Parvini, K. (2015). 'Nostalgia in Ezzedin Al-Manasra's Poetry', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(3), pp. 387-408. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56973
farhangnia, A., Roshanfekr, K., Parvini, K. Nostalgia in Ezzedin Al-Manasra's Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2015; 11(3): 387-408. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2015.56973