women in Khawlaalqazwini's novels (Sayyedat-wa-Anesat and al-bait od-dafe)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Pro.

2 Ph.D. Student


Since long women had an important roles in human's life and along with men faced difficulties; so with this problem, she had taken pains from sexual discriminations and was so marginal than men. This negative perspective toward women continued, therefore women themselves believed it. In response to this perspective, some circumstances appeared that recalled women in the improvement rather than their own placement and efforts to receive that position and this perspectives appeared in literature, poems, and eastern novels and this views reflects on adherent's part and on opponent's part.
A considerable number of feminists believe that based on the religious and cultural circumstances of the region, an Eastern woman is much more suffering from the case than a Western one is,this view has been reflected in the works of Arab female authors in form of a duel among the traditional and modern views.
The present study focuses on two stories written by a Kuwaitian religious author known as Khawlaalqazwini. The works mentioned above are "al-bait od-dafe" and "Sayyedat-wa-Anesat". The study goes through character analysis, specifically female characters of the works mentioned above. On the other hand, it explores the presented image of women in various individual and social states through these two novels.
This research are unveiling a statue from writer's efforts to drawing eastern women encumbered by ideal and specimen and drawing western women full of Feminism as a unsuccessful women in personal and social life.
This research focus on two novel's texts in the descriptive-analytic research.


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