The quranic character with Palestinian diaspora poets Case study: for example;masih character(peace be up on him)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, department of Arabic language and literature, Educational Rasoul akramUniversity

2 Assistant Professor, department of Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


the quran al-karim and its symbols have received much importance with contemporary poets and have continued different shapes as rich fountain and technical source with quranic characters which contribute just great form. To enriching and enrichment the ode poem; and deeping of signs. Also the investment of religious symbols ‘ its stories and projectionsin poetic text increase the brilliance & beauty of it the use of quranic characters In contemporary palestinian poetry especially diaspora poets enrich poetic content and refutes pure oratorical and musical. Nature of the conflict between Palestinians and the Israeli enemy making used symbols about specific topics that would linked and related with that conflict. It has direct effect on the lives of palestinions and their fate. On this basis the diaspora poets interest in employment prophet characters and on his head masih character.because of their sign dimentions have special position in memory humanity which semantic legitimation derived from the human and religious vision ‘ this issue has led Palestinian poet to portray used symbols according to contemporary view it is a prelude for expressing his ideas and contemporary national issues. This article is according to descriptive-analytic method not only will pay to the importance of religious symbol but also will pay on literary works and poetic experience it also addresses recalled symbol(al masih) and the impact statement of it on the reader this study has found that employment and investment of masih character until masih symbol reflect the relation and objectivity equation


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