Introducing the participation of the Imam (P.B.U.T) in the field of linguistics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Arabic language teacher in the Ministry of Education

2 Member of the teaching staff at the Islamic Azad University of Qom branch


1.Dr. Mohsen Teymouri: Arabic language teacher in the Ministry of Education
2.Dr. Mohammad Hasan Masoumi: Member of the teaching staff at the Islamic Azad University of Qom branch
Introducing the participation of the Imam (P.B.U.T) in the field of linguistics
According to the convergence between the term language and the most important properties issues in the study of linguistic phenomena, or what the "linguistic" refers to, it had been considered by scientists in the past and present to be the same connection and relationship between human beings. Many developed books in Arabic and other literatures have considered different aspects of language, its different functions, and also have expressed aspects and forms of it.
But what has made the authors of this essay to write about was this question: As the infallible Imams (P.B.U.T) had had divine knowledge, have they had a role in this field (linguistics) like other knowledge and scientific fields in their age?
It is not surprising that as Shia (شیعه) and other experts believe, the infallible Imams (P.B.U.T) were very expert in the Islamic religion and the other issues which are related to them, such as syntax of the linguistics, Rhetoric and verbal issues. However, most of the time dealing with those issues had not been the main aim and had been only because of the relationship between them and the principles of belief and religion, like defining a religious idea, stating a religious purpose, answering to a wrong thoughts and correcting a false idea.


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