Here we mean by romantic school and its features as a introverted lyric school which opposed to the basics classicism. Having their social frustrations and observing disorders, Romantics expressed their feelings freely and lamented oppositely. Ibn –i- Rumi's poetry was the most similar manner to the romantic school in the old Arabic poetry. This article is a new light on the Arabic poetry heritage which if you are tracings some characteristics of the Romantic Movement, you can find it as a lyric – romantic literature.
The fallowing paper is illustrating that refuge to the nature, living in it, expressing the concerns and sorrows, loneliness in Ibn -i- Rumi's poetry was a reflection of poet's hatred of people in his societies and retirement. This aspect is the main poetic characteristics that are counterparts of the basics of romantic's school. Moreover we will find out that this critical literary movement has some roots in old literature of Arabs specially in Ibn -i- Rumi's poetry.
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heidari, M., & hossein, G. (2016). Romantic Features in Ibn –i- Rumi's Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(4), 575-595. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.57549
mahmood heidari; ghaemiasl hossein. "Romantic Features in Ibn –i- Rumi's Poetry", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11, 4, 2016, 575-595. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.57549
heidari, M., hossein, G. (2016). 'Romantic Features in Ibn –i- Rumi's Poetry', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 11(4), pp. 575-595. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.57549
heidari, M., hossein, G. Romantic Features in Ibn –i- Rumi's Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2016; 11(4): 575-595. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.57549