"Nature" According to Poets of Pen Association: Gibran Khalil Gibran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asst. Prof. at the University of Tehran- Fardees Farabi,

2 Student at the University of Tehran/ Dep. of Arabic language and Literature- Fardees Farabi


Migratory poets, particularly the poets of pen association, dealt with a number of subjects, including man, society, politics, etc. However, "nature" had an integral role in their writings. They dealt with it as a beautiful charming phenomenon that is deserved to be described, in one hand, and as a mean to clarify the meaning to the readers, in another hand. But, sometimes, we see contradictions in all the mentioned above.Gibran Khalil Gibran, who has a special rank in the Arabic literature, is characterized by many aspects that make him the subject of this research. He was chiefly known the father of many migratory poets and his private and romantic life made him a special character. The "nature" to Khalil Gibran had a philosophical and artistic characteristic. He was an artist and a photographer and he was influenced by the great European philosophers. Furthermore, he travelled to various cities and lived among different societies which affected much on his behaviors and manners. Consequently, this affected on his literature, in which "nature" has a special rank.This article investigates the concept of "nature" according to Khalil Gibran from different perspectives and tries to shed light upon Gibran's literature of nature- if that was correct. Gibran Khalil Gibran is a writer who tried to draw his masterpieces with his words; nevertheless, we find contradiction in his view towards nature as he moved away from it when there is any disagreement with his thoughts and he objects the matters that harmonize with human nature and innateness.The procedure to be followed in this research is a  descriptive and analytic one.


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