Mixed defamiliarization (priority and tardiness) in the sermons of Nahjul balagha1

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding author and a doctoral student in Arabic Language and Literature Faculty of Foreign Languages University of Isfahan.

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of the University Department of Arabic Language and Literature of Isfahan


Nahjul balagha contains great styles   Which attracted the attention of critics and rhetoric scholars from ancient times to the present day. Imam Ali (as )  in this book did not abandon any rhetoric methods so his word is refined with a beautiful and clear language. the present study tries to review priority and tardiness defamiliarization style in the sermons of Nahjul balagha by a descriptive – analytic method. the obtained  results show that Imam Ali, did not used priority and tardiness method with the aim of imitating what is customary in Arabic as opposed to its conventional systems , but rather to benefit the interpretation of the inner thoughts and feelings so The rhetorical purposes of this method before him is mot limited to the effort and attention but he paid attention to other intentions as Warning,
 punishment , encouragement , bow , stating the cause , accelerate the joy in the hearts of the listeners , surprise and. . . . Sometimes two intentions     (spiritual and literal ) are used in a sermon which this property represents the indication value in his rhetorical thinking. Interestingly, his intellectual genius has been able to help him to benefit from a defamiliarized text in his mental images.


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