Tapes Of Synesthesia In Ahmad Abdol mohti Hejazi Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


The Associate professor of Arabic language in ,kashan university


Undoubtedly, poet plays a distinguished role in the social life generally and in the literary life particulary as he influences people through his poem and broad imagination. Naturally, poets influence do not occur in the real world but in the imagination. He ignores daily routines and speaks about nature s songs with a deeper, more wonderful voice in order to represent intuitive more frequent; picture of movement to his audience. One of the useful devices for effective, literal influence is Synesthesia. This poetic technique has been used as a critical idiom by Arab critics in the recent years. thouqh it is considered as a new technique in the criticism of  Arabic literature, synesthesia has been used in the literary texts from ignorance era up to now.
This paper , first of all, attempts to focus on synesthesia and its importance, then it clarifies the birth of this literary phenomenon in world’s literature and its relation to symbolism. therefore, the audience would be able  to observe types of synesthesia in the starting ages of Arabic literature and get familiar to use of this literary technique in Egypt’s poetry especially in the poems of three contemporary Egyptian poets “Ahmed Hegazi”.


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