The forms of Applying the mask Technique the poems of Ezzeddine Al- manasreh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Arabic literature and language. university of Alzahra,Tehran.Iran

2 Associate professor, Faculty of Arabic literature and language. University of Alzahra, Tehran,Iran.


Mask is a new method in poetry, in which the poet applys, the historical, mythical or characters. She uses their masks in order to represent her own disturbance and problems; in fact she explains her intellectual worries and anxieties by the mask. Ezzeddine Al-Manasreh (1946) is one of the poets who pays a significant attention to the Mask technique and summons various characters in his poetry. As a result the technique of Mask is considered as a main role in his poems and gives him an extraordinary power to combine past and future and self and the other. Also, this style helps him analyzing the political and social issues of the Arabic Countries especially his home Palestine. In addition, He mentioned critical and theoretical ideas in this field, which is beneficial for an efficient research. Therefore, through a descriptive analyzing method, the present research is trying to review EzzeddineAl-Manasrehin form of applying the Mask technique and its represents in his ode. Through a reviewing the forms and applying the Mask form the writer of “Kendy” and defining the term of “forms of applying” and “Abi Mohajen Al-Saqafi”, the researcher comes to the conclusion that Mask is creativity out of the borders of Mask’s the forms of applying and accounted as one of the types of Masks. Then while analyzing the ode of “Hesar Ghartaj” and “the loving room made up of the dews of plain” and Based on Al Manasrehs’ analytic approach, the research is presenting a new division of the compound forms of applying Mask.


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