Socio-political Vocabulary in the Poetry of Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi and Mohammad-Taqi Bahar

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, University of Quranic Sciences and Teachings, Qom, Iran


 One of the common features of two nations, Iran and Egypt, in the contemporary era is literary and political awakening that has led to the emergence of committed poets who have always followed the interests of the people and society. Among the most prominent of such poets are Egyptian poet Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi and Iraian poet Mohammad-Taqi Bahar. They can be the most prominent Mahmoud Sami Al-Baroudi and Bahar noted. This article aims to explore common vocabulary used by the two poets. The most important items include: vocabularies of nature, political awakening, grief and unity.Both poets use revolutionary, motivating, and pure and non-pure political rhetoric effectively. Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi uses more verbal sentences whereas Mohammad-Taqi Bahar focuses on the vocabulary of national spirit and the invoking of historical figures. Furthermore, both poets deploy direct and indirect vocabularies of unification in the form of plural pronouns to lead the society toward empathy and unity. The two poets also use nature vocabulary in metaphorical terms or as symbols in political and social poetry. Grief vocabulary in the poems of the two poets manifests itself through truthful expressions associated with a sense of bitterness and despair about the future.


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