Analytical study of the novel "Khadija and Sawsan" Radwa Ashour in the light of the theory of Gerard Ginette

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature in Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan

2 PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature in Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature in University of Guilan


The structural method depends upon the analysis of literary works in the modern era and that are interested Aspects of the methodology have led to the development of a scientific basis for the theory of literature and on the basis of the narrative and poetic various studies. Hna theories targeting the text or structure of the novel in the light of the structural approach, including the theory of the three categories set by the famous theorist Gerard Genet. This theory, which linked narratives talk about the novel and narrative text in three categories is the shear time, shear body and style of storytelling. This study attempts to approach relying on monetary and structural detective Sudanese to provide an optimal way to understand the structure of the novel and its context to detect the techniques used in the text, which deals with the novelist. And throw through it to know the structure novel «Khadija and Sawsan» Radwa Ashour and analyzed structurally narrative is interested in studying the speech or shape, which is set by the Metn Gaii such case and because the novel is not only aina hardcopy run by the narrator They differ in terms of time and the body and the pattern of reality is a world imagined world known novelist. The study concludes that the time in this historical novel is often little time and indicators which is where the body we find an extensive presence of Rawitan. In terms of style, we find polyphony where it mixes in the novel sound Alrawitan personalities do not see one voice prevailed on all the events.


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