The humanism in the poems of Nazik al-Malaika and Parvin's approach to the sociology of literature

Document Type : Research Paper


MA student, department of Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


Sociology of literature is one of the fields of sociology that explores the artistic and literary phenomenon to recognize environmental incentives in which the poet has grown among. Humanism is the most prominent topics in the field that needs to be considered in the study of poetic texts. Humanism focuses on the man as a center. This thought process will make human progress ,based on inner contentment to believe human rights and social justice. Manifestations of the phenomenon of humanism in the poems of Nazik al-Malaika and Parvin's  phenomenon can be seen in abundance. In this study we have attempted to consider the aspects of common humanity between the two poets from around the sociology of literature.
   This encounter will pay to corporate social poems and the most prominent human phenomenon that has attracted the attention of two poets and a descriptive - analytical view of comparative literature so that we can analyze social phenomena governing and common in our society. Both poets opted poetry to reach the human events.What provokes them was human events of social and political conditions prevailing impact on their community . In this article we'll show humanism phenomena mentioned above. Furthermore, we study how they take to the women and the men as well as their stand against oppression and tyranny and poverty and class divisions .In this way we came to the conclusion that political and cultural identity and social conditions in Iran and Iraq then leads to consistency in the themes. Nazok's poems came from the heart has endured pains though he didn't believe in rebellion and defiance he left Beyond Iraq's borders and swept the Arab world. He focused on the events in Iranian society, with all classes In contrast to Parvin's look toward women and their feelings which can be seen in her poems.


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