Manifestations of romanticism in poetry of Baroudi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 the assistant professor of Tehran university , Pardis Farabi

2 student of Tehran university , Pardis Farabi


Mahmoud Sami Al-Barodi is one of pioneers of modern Arabic poetry and one of leaders of literary movement that his purpose was to revive the old poetical inheritance and to return the literature to its e honorable past. It was the school converting to prominent and unique one ,later. He attempted to compose wishes and to show the realities of society in his poetry. He must really be considered as the poet with classic style. He had all characteristics that the classical poet has to engage in political , social and cultural issues of the society. Although this approach prevents from attending to feelings , internal affections and its expressing in his poetries. This approach can be seen in his collected poetry whether the description of nature or love , sadness, and eagerness to homeland. This study seeks to reveal such characteristics in his collected poetry on the basis of descriptive-analytic method.


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