Illustrations Poverty in the Attitude of the Egyptian Ibn Nabatah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate, of Arabic Lnguage and literature, University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Lnguage and literature, University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Lnguage and literature, University of Isfahan.


Ibn Nabatah, one of the most popular poets in the Mamluk period is compared with his contemporaries. In most issues, language is open to complain In his poems on various subjects, such as life, death, poverty and infectious diseases investigated Note This article explains Ibn Nabatah poverty in food, housing, clothing and supplies, which the compositions and methods tailored to the tragic and sad polluted environment has benefited Although poverty In Nabatieh may keep him from addressing social problems and it has been modified, but the poets of his poorest matters related to their community are far Njsd Perhaps this should come to an easygoing nature and concern Ibn Nabatah and family life, his address access barriers and Social Affairs is in all cases Social poetry Ibn Nabatah is a small but clear and accurate picture of the Mamluk society exhibit. This descriptive study - an analysis based. on the poems of Ibn Nabatah on poverty was conducted.


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