Political conflict in The Short story "Sinai treaty" by Yusuf Idris

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Yazd University


"Sinai treaty" is a short storyby contemporary Egyptian writer Yusuf Idris (1927-1991) which coincides with the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. Such a heated political climate in story has a realistic form. Political conflict in"Sinai treaty" happens between Russian Mashnsky and American William in military garrison in Sinai, Egypt to set up American spare piece on the broken Russian military machine. This conflict finishes by Egyptian Mohyy-al-din who managed to use spare parts to the amazement of two sides of the conflict. Hence, this paper studies the political conflict including verbal conflicts and immoral actions that the two sides used during the conflict. It includes political Fights and Debates or Competitions. The political competitions lead to no results or equal results. In this paper, the inability of the parties to resolve the conflict and the selfishness of the Russian side turns into verbal conflict. The conflict happens mainly due to Fights and the continual dissociation between the positions of Mashnsky and William. As the parties move closer to each other they begin short talks but soon the talks will end. Continuous political competitions give either no result (winning one side and losing the other) or a draw (winning and losing sides). Another outcome is that these competitions have no great and impressive gains for either side. Because the actual winner is the Egyptian Mohyy-al-din, who boldly launches the broken machine in the negligence of the Russian and American workers. Thus, this political competition leads to the loss of both the Russians and the Americans and the only real winner in this battle is the Egyptian Mohyy-al-din. Note that in this paper the subjects are reviewed using the descriptive and analytical method.


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