The Influence of Abudolaf in creation of maqama

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature

2 Assistant professor at the University of Allamah Tabatabai


Maqama is a kind of literature that is written in embellished words and it is considered as one of the important literary techniques which influence on Arabic literature. "Badi'ozaman Hamedani," is one who invented it. There are many disagreements among scholars about what subjects effect on the appearance of Maqama. And many of them long for the emergence of writing in Arabic literature have mentioned fan Maqama The prevalence and grade of Gray panhandle in the Abbasid era, one of the factors to consider when Maqamh Most of those who paid the panhandle Gray, who had a group called Children of Sasan And most people in this group, " Aboudolaf " one of the poets of the Abbasid Due to its proximity with him Badi'ozaman as a factor affecting the development of his writing is a fan Maqama Until it can be said Badi'ozaman personality "Abolfath Eskandari," the hero of his authority is derived from Aboudolaf. He effect on the genesis of this paper is analyzed and evaluated. And we can say that Aboudolaf impact on the appearance of Mqamh..


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