Ivan Kasra in Two Al-Buhturī and Al-Sharif Al-Mortaza’s Odes (Balance according to stylistics)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A Arabic language and literature

2 Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Isfahan university


Without any doubt, balance is considered as one of the most significant criticism issues which evaluates similarities among different texts so that it can find to a better understanding and consequently the problems can be solved. Thus, it stands in a top position in literary criticism. Regarding this significance, this study is dedicated to study balance between Al-Buhturi and Al-Sharif Al-Mortaza odes with the focus on Ivan Kasra description. here description technique is studied; it is a descriptive-analytic study based on stylistics. It divides the discussion into five parts: one part is allocated to analysis of the concept, and the other part to analysis of description technique such as tone, words, grammar language and rhetoric. Based on the mentioned parameters, these two works are analyzed and Ivan Kasra’s reflection and their similarities and differences are examined.
Studying the issue, it became clear that two poets did their best to choose eloquent and concurrent words, since they paid attention to applying satisfying and clear language structures. Al-Buhturī made use of noun phrases more than verb phrases since noun phrases are proper to description. Indeed, paid more attention to details and creation of new figures; they are accompanied by poets’ honest description. These two odes differ in their concepts which identifies Al-Buhuri’s ode as a lyrical literary work, and includes Al-Sharif Al-Mortaza’s ode as a didactic literary work.


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