strategies of listening skill and rate of used to students Arabic language and literature department in Iranian universities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, PhD of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Masters student of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran.


The teaching of Arabic since the beginning of the educational phase is designed to enable the student to language skills, by providing basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to help them acquire the proper practices, and trends in sound, and the gradual development of these skills throughout the stages of education, so students arrive at the end of this phase to the level of language can use the language helped him to continue to study in the following stages of education. The listening one of the main language arts; it is an essential factor in the communication process. Listening and speaking Mhartan are growing and working together interchangeably and complements each other, followed by growth in listening skills and the growth in the arts and other language skills. . However, despite the importance of this skill at all stages, but it is largely neglected in our universities of Iran and is faced problems numerous including: the lack of the presence of subjects specific, the lack of expert professors in the teaching of the language, problems in hardware and software, the low use of strategies education listening by teachers and strategies learned by the students; Therefore, in our study was sample of 108 students from five universities, governmental (Allameh Tabatabaei, algorithm, Tehran, Qom, Zahra) And may the researchers designed a questionnaire measures the degree use students learning strategies, and consisted of six paragraphs of the resolution specific to each strategy, and to analyze the results of the study used statistical software package (spss). The study found that students using an Iranian strategies for learning a foreign language when they learn the skill of remedial Alastmaa. llastrutیjیh more commonly used when studying the Iranians, and this explains the attempts by the respondents to overcome the linguistic palaces to resort to guesswork.


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