Call personality “Imam Hussein” in Contemporary Christian Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, ShahidChamran Uni. ofAhwaz.

2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, ShahidChamran Uni. ofAhwaz.

3 PhD Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, ShahidChamran Uni. ofAhwaz.


Using and calling on traditional heritage of the past is considered the most important literary techniques in contemporary Arabic poetry, that unites the past with present, In fact the contemporary poet by calling the heritage of the past achieved rich and inexhaustible source, and the calling of traditional characteristics is considered one of the literary techniques. The character of “Imam Hussein” (peace be upon him) is the most important of the traditional character that Arabic poets have influenced and been taken to calling it, because this religious character have literary implications, and different dimensions to fertilize and enrich the literary text. And in this regard, the using character if “Imam Hussein” (peace be upon him) not only to Muslim poets but because many poets of other religions such as Christian poets, were attracted to “Imam Hussein” (peace be upon him) character, and used this character to their poems as a symbol of martyrdom and self-sacrifice in the cause of faith, and stand against oppression and revolt, also, this character has symbolization and new connotations that are tied the present to the past and depicted sufferings and hardship of present. Employing analytic – descriptive method, we try to discuss and analysis the level of influence the character of “Imam Hussein” (peace be upon him) in contemporary Christian poets, and the methods of calling this character and implications and factors leading to this use. In this research has been to explore the poetry poets such as Joseph Hashem, Raymond Kassis, George Shakur, Joseph Harb and George Zaki Al-Haj.  


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