The conceptual metaphor usage in forming the ethical order in Nahj al-Balagha Based on cognitive linguistics

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Avicenna – Hamedan


Conceptual metaphor is the most prominent achievements in cognitive linguistics and cognitive semantics. Based on this theory, most of the parts of our vision system and mindset is naturally metaphorical, which structures our way of thinking and understanding. Therefore, our understanding has strong relationship in all aspects, and since the ethical implications are naturally abstract, metaphor plays an important role in the ethical and moral texts. We can review Nahj al-Balagha as a moral and religious text, in different ways. This study tries to check the way of using conceptual metaphor in forming the ethical order of Nahj al-Balagha and analyze the conceptual metaphors of piety, passion, and lust with the usage of this theory. The results of this descriptive analytical study shows that the metaphor has a special place in the Alavi moral order, and Imam Ali used the various conventional and innovative metaphors to introduce the piety, passion, and lust, and their consequences.


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