“Bothayna Alesaa” has focus on the male domination in her novels and this domination manifested itself in the novel ”I grew up and forget to forget” that portrayed in various shaped embody rebellion and submission together with the central character of this novel. The novel written with poetic language and direct narrative style attempts to contact what hurts female accurately, and at the same time it came from conception through representation narrative that male dominance is a complex network of semantic rhetoric can not be reduced in the specific framework. This reading relied on the "Michel Foucault" French philosopher system which helped us to open up to the text and access to its keys. He has left the language as a system of signs and entered the field to another world language as a means of communication expresses itself in discourse. And he confirms that the process of granting meaning to the hands of the discourse and of domination through strategies, it is what creates reality and continuity. The marginal female in this Construction put her in the position of many manifestations of a unique long subject for the man. What we have done is to look at the text in order to detect novelist ways that give a curtain of mystery to the discourse and assume the version made of the female is the truth as prescribed who make her fights sometimes succumb and embrace it at other times.
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Niazi, S., & Araji, F. (2017). Male domination in novel “I grew up and forget to forget” written by
Bothayna Alessa. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 12(4), 721-737. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.60960
Shahriyar Niazi; Fatima Araji. "Male domination in novel “I grew up and forget to forget” written by
Bothayna Alessa", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 12, 4, 2017, 721-737. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.60960
Niazi, S., Araji, F. (2017). 'Male domination in novel “I grew up and forget to forget” written by
Bothayna Alessa', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 12(4), pp. 721-737. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.60960
Niazi, S., Araji, F. Male domination in novel “I grew up and forget to forget” written by
Bothayna Alessa. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2017; 12(4): 721-737. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2016.60960