Prolocutor’s Rhetoric from the Traditional and Modern Perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin


In their the rhetorical issues, the ancients paid attention to the role of the prolocutor in the formation of meaning and speech. However, the laid less emphasis on the addressee as an effective reader. The reader has a significant role in speech and poetry especially in mystical, surreal, and modern poetry where aesthetics occurs. At this point the reader can enjoy the context from a multilateral perspective, through either interpreting or exegesis of the speech in a post-structural ambience. The researcher attempts to focus on the role of the prolocutor in creating meaning and aestheticism. The main question in terms of the role of the prolocutor lies in the perspectives of traditional and modern rhetoric and the way they are distinguished from one another. The hypothesis implies the transfer of aestheticism from the level of expressive form to semantic structures. One can say, aesthetes from the old perspectives is limited to   speech imagery while in the modern perspectives it expands in meaning. This can be fully traced in mystical and modern poetry. The findings show that the concept of aesthetics in modern rhetoric expands in meaning and meditation by the prolocutor. From this perspective, similar to the creator of a text, the prolocutor is effective in forming the poetical dialogue.


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