Study of the Dialectical view of the "city" in the poetry of Amal Dunqul

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor of Arabic language and literature, university of farhangian


City and interact with that - negative or positive - is one of the biggest contemporary Arab literature, so that is very hard to ignore this issue. Referring to Court Arab poets turns out that many of them have one or two ode dedicated to this subject. Dunqul Egyptian poet is one of the poets mentioned in several odes to the city and the conflict with it.
Dunqul dispute with the city does not mean that he is of hate, it means that he causes psychological, social and political turmoil has failed to be consistent with the city. This study seeks to analyze and describe exploring the causes, nature and details of the affair. The main findings were that the poet dispute with the city and the negative perception does vary with the nature of romantic poets. Dunqul have been prejudiced because rural authenticity and strict rules it was difficult to adapt to the city. He is seeking to express social and political purposes and demonstrate experience of urban life.


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