Literary Criticism is amongst the most outstanding types and issues of contemporary Arabic literature. This phenomenon has, in the present century, been influenced by discussions pertaining to literary criticism in the West, and this is so because of the encounters between the Arabs and the Western literature. The reasons why Arabic criticism has been influenced by the Western criticism go back to factors such as comparative criticism, and critical movements such as the School of Divan and its followers. The World of comparative literature is nothing but mutual influence based on critical thought. This branch of science is amongst the useful and new sciences, which introduces the literature of each nation as being in a continuous and homogeneous pact (despite superficial and linguistic differences). Naturally, many Iranian poets and literary figures have thoughts in common with the rest of the world poets and literary figures including those of the Arab world, as far as poetry, language and literary criticism are concerned. In the works mentioned poets, there are various common subjects including literary, political, and social ones. However, there are many similar ideas between Malek Al-Sho’ara Bahar and Sheik Hussein Morsefi in their poetry. These common points include Rhetorical issues also. Therefore, taking Rhetoric in mind, in this article, we analyze critically and descriptively, the points between these two literary figures.
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Ghahramani, A., & Agha-alipour, Y. (2017). A Comparative Study of the Poetry of Malek Al-Sho’ara Bahar and Sheik Hussein Morsefi. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(1), 145-168. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.61963
Ali Ghahramani; Yaghoub-ali Agha-alipour. "A Comparative Study of the Poetry of Malek Al-Sho’ara Bahar and Sheik Hussein Morsefi", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13, 1, 2017, 145-168. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.61963
Ghahramani, A., Agha-alipour, Y. (2017). 'A Comparative Study of the Poetry of Malek Al-Sho’ara Bahar and Sheik Hussein Morsefi', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(1), pp. 145-168. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.61963
Ghahramani, A., Agha-alipour, Y. A Comparative Study of the Poetry of Malek Al-Sho’ara Bahar and Sheik Hussein Morsefi. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2017; 13(1): 145-168. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.61963