Highlights on al-Zawzani and His Explanation on al-Moalaqat

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Arabic Literature & Language, Isfahan University, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Arabic, Isfahan University, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Isfahan University, Iran


The Seven Mualaqat is the most eloquent and most beautiful Arab ballad of the era of Jahiliyah. It has a very high position. And it is considered as a dictionary which is rich in singularities and composed of complete Arabic syntax. Due to the great importance of the scholars and literature, the commentators have described these verses. The most famous of them is the description of the al-Zawzani that is known as the description of “al-Moalaqat al-Sab’a”. This book is a collection of literary treasures. We used the descriptive-analytic method in this study. We identified al-Zawzani's character and pointed to various aspects of his knowledge. We also spoke to the linguists, commentators, scholars, and literary scholars. Because they used the explanation of the true meaning of some of the narrations used in the past, or in the interpretation of some of the verses and holy hadiths, and used it to confirm their remarks. In the course of the discussion, we find that al-Zawzani has cited simple and clear terms in the description of the disciples, and his method is different in the description, and sometimes refers to the verses of the Qur'an and the noble sayings of the Prophet, and sometimes have syntactic theories and rhetorical suggestions. And this method has become a reliance on writers and literary experts. He also uses synonyms in the description of syntax that differs in their value, and this paper focuses on these values.


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