Investigate the Structure and Content Oratory in the Mamluk Era (A Case Study: Sermons of Ibn Nabatah)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 M.A of Arabic Literature & Language, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Wars of Mongols in the east and the Crusaders in the West at that time were imposed on the government MAMLUK. Speakers including IBN NABATAH forced to mobilize and encourage their fighters to confront the enemies and defeat them and making fiery sermons. Although IBN NABATAH was considered a great poet, he has delivered numerous speeches that view all the rhetoric of MAMLUK. Therefore, in this study, sermons of this famous poet and orator of the time will be explored and in descriptive - analytical method and technical aspects of its content is examined. The most important achievements of this research is that the political and social conditions of MAMLUK period are well reflected in the words of IBN NABATAH and his sermons has color of Believes and political. Because he and other speakers to the abundance of verses related to jihad and fight against the enemies and infidels have used in sermons Moreover, sermons that included speeches IBN NABATAH that period will also have epic tone, and this is due to the courage and bravery community of that time.


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