Anema is one of the features that Jung tried to talk about it in his psychologic analysis about male characters. Anema means the female aspect that is hidden in man but sometimes appears in his behavior & his artistic and literary works. This research tries to discover the anemic aspects in Tarfat’s poems, to explain the methods that are applied in this phenomenon to find out how much it has affected the applying of rhetorical devices in poems of this pre-Islamic poet. New finding of this research emphasize that Anemy has both pessimistic and positive aspects, and this can explain the applying of some rhetorical devices, such as simile, humanization, repetition, and time in his poems. Anemy is not confined to his love-poetry, but other purposes like satire, elegy, and wisdom are affecting by poet mental manner in different kinds.
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Abedini Jazini, M., & Dadpoor, N. (2018). Anemic Features & Its Stylistic Influences in Tarfat Ibn al-Abd Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), 523-546. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.224515.674
Mehdi Abedini Jazini; Nadia Dadpoor. "Anemic Features & Its Stylistic Influences in Tarfat Ibn al-Abd Poetry", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13, 4, 2018, 523-546. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.224515.674
Abedini Jazini, M., Dadpoor, N. (2018). 'Anemic Features & Its Stylistic Influences in Tarfat Ibn al-Abd Poetry', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), pp. 523-546. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.224515.674
Abedini Jazini, M., Dadpoor, N. Anemic Features & Its Stylistic Influences in Tarfat Ibn al-Abd Poetry. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2018; 13(4): 523-546. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.224515.674