The City and Village in Salah Abdel Sabour's Poem Through his collections of poems: al-Nas Fi Biladi (People in My Land) and Ahlam al-Fares al-Qadim (Dreams of the Old Knight)
Reckoned the dichotomy of the city and the village as an apparent phenomenon in contemporary arabic poetry, And it transfigured significantly in works of Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, Abdel Mu'ti Hijazi, Amal Donqol and Salah Abdel Sabour who we are going to study it, where tasted this rural poet a lot of bitterness and cruelty which provoked a kind of self-alienation, feeling of sadness and lost, so his poems is filled by his aversion about environment and it's rough atmosphere as opposed to his permanent longing to the village. According to this, we contempt late in this article about Abdel Sabour's position about the city and the village through his works: "Dreams of knight" and "The people in my land" to see: How the poet behaved with this dichotomy and how this phenomenon shaped by his vision. This is a descriptive-analytic study that probes the matter from the ten poems: "The sadness, He slept in peace, A song from Vienna, The people in my land, The Hang of Zahran, The Sonata, and The Melody" So in dealing with the subject of the city, we see that he is being waged against its civilized face, accompanied by injustice and oppression and exploitation, And he also affects the nature of life in the city, because it is attributed by selfish and individual, Each individual seeks to serve his personal interests, so friendship is missing and love is dead the city’s material society and no value to man unless he is influential or money. So we see him oscillating between the states of escape from the city and longing for the village and oscillating between returning to the city and rebuking of the injustice and prevailing corruption in it.
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Erfat Pour, Z., & Abdi, R. (2018). The City and Village in Salah Abdel Sabour's Poem Through his collections of poems: al-Nas Fi Biladi (People in My Land) and Ahlam al-Fares al-Qadim (Dreams of the Old Knight). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), 565-585. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.229263.696
Zineh Erfat Pour; Ra’na Abdi. "The City and Village in Salah Abdel Sabour's Poem Through his collections of poems: al-Nas Fi Biladi (People in My Land) and Ahlam al-Fares al-Qadim (Dreams of the Old Knight)", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13, 4, 2018, 565-585. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.229263.696
Erfat Pour, Z., Abdi, R. (2018). 'The City and Village in Salah Abdel Sabour's Poem Through his collections of poems: al-Nas Fi Biladi (People in My Land) and Ahlam al-Fares al-Qadim (Dreams of the Old Knight)', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), pp. 565-585. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.229263.696
Erfat Pour, Z., Abdi, R. The City and Village in Salah Abdel Sabour's Poem Through his collections of poems: al-Nas Fi Biladi (People in My Land) and Ahlam al-Fares al-Qadim (Dreams of the Old Knight). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2018; 13(4): 565-585. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2017.229263.696