The Structure analysis of the novel is one of the effective ways for realization constitutes structure of the text. Analysis the forms of the characters in the text research the ways to introduces the characters for understand their functions. “Gamal al-Ghitani” is one of the most prominent novelists belonging to stream inspiration from the past heritage in his literary production, and this trend, was adopted in the creating the character of the novel “Al-Zainy Barakat” (1974). This novel includes a variety of characters, some imagined, and some other historical, belonged to Egyptian Mamlouki era that the author has created of them dynamic characters. The novelist rely on omniscient narrator and introduces the characters and their functions in novel with different forms like Free Indirect Discourse, Dialogue, Extra diegetic narrator and use from “Badaye Alzohoor fi Ajaeb Aldohoor” written by “Ibn Eyas”. The narrator tried to internal description and keeping away from outside description the characters. This article has tried to analyze the character Structure in this novel with focus on the ways to introduce and function the main and secondary characters, by making use of structure method.
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Kahe, A. (2018). Character Structure Anlysis in the Nover al-Zainy Barakat by Gamal al-Ghitani. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), 587-607. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.141460.525
Alireza Kahe. "Character Structure Anlysis in the Nover al-Zainy Barakat by Gamal al-Ghitani", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13, 4, 2018, 587-607. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.141460.525
Kahe, A. (2018). 'Character Structure Anlysis in the Nover al-Zainy Barakat by Gamal al-Ghitani', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 13(4), pp. 587-607. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.141460.525
Kahe, A. Character Structure Anlysis in the Nover al-Zainy Barakat by Gamal al-Ghitani. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2018; 13(4): 587-607. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.141460.525