Surah Joseph is one of the most beautiful stories of the Qur'an. It depicts all the details of this story from the early days of Joseph until his greatness, from being in Egypt to the absence of the cave and then entering Egypt and the house of Al-Aziz and the palace of the king to the prison where he did not have the right to enter. The Lord, after two years, brings him to the most precious place where he dreamed of seeing the sun and the moon prostrate to him. The reader of what happened in the story sees the place taking a great deal in its events. The percentage of the places mentioned in the story of the events mentioned as meat and sebaceous cannot be separated. Since the place plays an important role in the construction of the Qur'anic story and its many functions, the corner connects the parts of the story and is the frame from which the events start and the characters go. The choice of the place and its structure are the actors in building the human personality and the pillars of the entity and the identity of each person. This research addresses the place and its implications in Surat It also aims to reveal the vision of the Qur'an in relation to the different places in which it is presented and the indications it gained through its relationship with man. It also seeks to know the sites in which the events of the various speeches take place between Joseph and his father and his brothers and other personalities; Descriptive and analytical.
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Farhangnia, A., & Taram, M. (2018). The Characteristics of the Place in the Story of the Prophet Joseph (PBUH). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 14(3), 471-493. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.256259.813
Amir Farhangnia; Maisam Taram. "The Characteristics of the Place in the Story of the Prophet Joseph (PBUH)", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 14, 3, 2018, 471-493. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.256259.813
Farhangnia, A., Taram, M. (2018). 'The Characteristics of the Place in the Story of the Prophet Joseph (PBUH)', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 14(3), pp. 471-493. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.256259.813
Farhangnia, A., Taram, M. The Characteristics of the Place in the Story of the Prophet Joseph (PBUH). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2018; 14(3): 471-493. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2018.256259.813