Recalling Historical-Religious Heritage in Islamic Novel of “Hamzahe’s Assassin”

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professors, Department of Arabic, University of Guilan, Iran


Najib Kilian a contemporary Egyptian writer, used history in his works to highlight the brilliant patterns of Arabic civilization and draw the efforts of the ancients to defend religion and create unprecedented glory. Sometimes his goal is to call for the history of contemporary events that made people disappointed, and through the revival of will and the emphasis on great efforts, he flames the hope of the lives of contemporary generations.The use of history in Kilani novels, however, is the expression of the great Islamic achievements and the ability of Islam to convert a Muslim human, which many Kilian novels of this type Works. Among these Islamic novels of his is “Hamzahe’s Assassin” novel. It is a historical novel that narrates the reflection of prophetic life through Vahshi bin Harb, the Ethiopian slave, from the beginning of Badr war till Vahshi’s death in 25th AH. And this article studies the recalling of historical-religious heritage in this novel by using descriptive-analytic method. Among the article results are that writer’s contemporary thoughts and contemporary human especially searching for freedom and sense of loneliness and the deterioration of the path of compromise with colonists is well presented in this novel.

Among these Islamic novels of his is “Hamzahe’s Assassin” novel. It is a historical novel that narrates the reflection of prophetic life through Vahshi bin Harb, the Ethiopian slave, from the beginning of Badr war till Vahshi’s death in 25th AH. And this article studies the recalling of historical-religious heritage in this novel by using descriptive-analytic method. Among the article results are that writer’s contemporary thoughts and contemporary human especially searching for freedom and sense of loneliness is well presented in this novel.


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