Time Techniques in the Novel "The Futility of Fates" by Najeeb Mahfouz: A Study in the Light of the Theory of Gerard Genet

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, University of Semnan, Iran


Time is one of the important narrative pillars that exist in every story and novel. Each narrative writing, including the events and behavior of the characters, is characterized by the presence of narrative time with its different manifestations of a clear presence adhering to them. Time is the thread of the novel and the basis that moves it forward and gives it the advantage of influence, impact and drama. Time contains the various techniques and methods used by the narrator in order to form a narrative story. In this article, we examined the three indicators: Sequentially, Duration and Frequency; in the sequentially, we talked about natural and industrial time, recovery techniques and prediction. We studied in the period four time conditions: jump, rest, and scene and concise. We spoke in frequency about the four different cases. The study concluded that the "futility of fates" novel is a historical novel in which the two cases of natural and non-natural condition, and the syntactic and manipulative situation, in which the chronological order was arranged, but did not neglect to employ some time-related manipulations corresponding to the space of the novel.


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