Contemporary Arabic poetry by the method of narrative texture has been turn as a spectacular method or evolved technique and by ignoring clauses and barriers to old expression was able to provide a new type named texture for arrangement of vocabularies and combinations in a specific frameworks and to achieve a clear structure about the look stylization and poetry's poetic experiences, of course, this texture is created in a narrative structure and it is along with other elements of narrative such as occurrence, personality, time, place, challenge, and language that play a role. But in connection with the poem by Mohammad Afifi Matar, it should be noted that most of his Qasidas have the ability to incorporate various forms of narrative and drama, especially when the poet speaks of current human problems and contemporary challenges, the signs of modernism, such as the attention to the technique of texture in his poem, are further revealed and takes wide mediator dimension to itself. Among his beautiful Qasidas is “Separated Steps” which not only in the function of narrative symbols reaches the level of other poems but it can also surpass from the same Qasidas for the shine of the texture technique. This essay aims to reveal the effects of this technique, its motives and the beauties in the desired Qasida by relying on a descriptive-analytical method in the analysis and evaluation of literary texts. The research result around the Qasida of “Separated Steps” point to the harmony of narrative texture and the coherence of its expressive structures in the textual portals then reaches to a kind of duality between continuous and discontinuous tissue from combination point of view and to the dominance of simple texture from thematic point of view in the desired Qasida.
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Hemati, S., & Poorheshmati, H. (2019). Symptoms of Narrative Texture in Poetry of Muhammad Afifi Matar’s Poem; (Case Study of “Separated Steps” Qasida). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15(2), 207-230. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.253266.805
Shahriar Hemati; Hamed Poorheshmati. "Symptoms of Narrative Texture in Poetry of Muhammad Afifi Matar’s Poem; (Case Study of “Separated Steps” Qasida)", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15, 2, 2019, 207-230. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.253266.805
Hemati, S., Poorheshmati, H. (2019). 'Symptoms of Narrative Texture in Poetry of Muhammad Afifi Matar’s Poem; (Case Study of “Separated Steps” Qasida)', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15(2), pp. 207-230. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.253266.805
Hemati, S., Poorheshmati, H. Symptoms of Narrative Texture in Poetry of Muhammad Afifi Matar’s Poem; (Case Study of “Separated Steps” Qasida). Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2019; 15(2): 207-230. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.253266.805