Study of Abd al-Sada al-Basri's Poems due to the Sociology of Literature

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

3 M.A. of Arabic Language & Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


There is a strong link between literature and society and sociology of literature or social approach to literature is a literary technique meaning the way between literature and society in various fields and at different levels are linked and to investigate the relationship between society and Literature which is a reflection of life. Social issues has been considered one of the most important concerns of every man committed to his community from the long is also noted one of the main themes of contemporary poetry Abd al-Sada al-Basri is one of the poets who has a special approach against the society and its issues .And community is regarded as foundations in his poetry. This study is based on cross-sectional approach seeks to analysis social poems elements .the poet's attitude to society and also stand s against tyranny. And reviews the impact of colonization, poverty and the consequences of war on people's lives and the role of women in the community. Al-Basri's Social, political and cultural chaotic era and affecting the poet and his reformist thinking are the strong incentives to address the poet to the social issue. He sees the growing trend of society depends on having justice, and social rights. He sees rises against tyranny and criticizes the backwardness and social elements that influence people denounced. The results show that the poet does not live for himself, but dedicated his life to his countrymen and he reflects the problems in the society. He wants the obstacles that stand in front of his people. He is the humanism and wants to impede all the obstacles that stands in front of his people and hinders progress. And has become a nation of self-confidence at the moment.


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